Walking Around Your Windows

Posted by Derek Wyatt on August 22, 2009
Some mappings in Vim that help you wander around your windows.

Vim can do an insane number of things with windows in Vim. I take a minimalist approach to windows in Vim and try to make it as simple for myself as possible. There are a number of factors that drive my configuration:

  • I always use my left hand to hit the CTRL key. The main key that is used for windowing is CTRL-W.
  • I prefer to have multiple key sequences to occur on opposing hands when possible. CTRL-W is two simultaneous keys on the same hand.
  • It’s all about reusing existing habits when I can. So h, j, k and l are important to reuse. The existing Vim solution actually already does this.

Those points lead me to have the following mappings for window management:

" Move the cursor to the window left of the current one
noremap <silent> ,h :wincmd h<cr>

" Move the cursor to the window below the current one
noremap <silent> ,j :wincmd j<cr>

" Move the cursor to the window above the current one
noremap <silent> ,k :wincmd k<cr>

" Move the cursor to the window right of the current one
noremap <silent> ,l :wincmd l<cr>

" Close the window below this one
noremap <silent> ,cj :wincmd j<cr>:close<cr>

" Close the window above this one
noremap <silent> ,ck :wincmd k<cr>:close<cr>

" Close the window to the left of this one
noremap <silent> ,ch :wincmd h<cr>:close<cr>

" Close the window to the right of this one
noremap <silent> ,cl :wincmd l<cr>:close<cr>

" Close the current window
noremap <silent> ,cc :close<cr>

" Move the current window to the right of the main Vim window
noremap <silent> ,ml <C-W>L

" Move the current window to the top of the main Vim window
noremap <silent> ,mk <C-W>K

" Move the current window to the left of the main Vim window
noremap <silent> ,mh <C-W>H

" Move the current window to the bottom of the main Vim window
noremap <silent> ,mj <C-W>J