- 2015/06/23: Cancelling work in flight
- 2015/06/21: Using Actors as Throwaway State
- 2014/01/01: Using Scala Implicits to Implement a Messaging Protocol
- 2012/10/18: My Book: Akka Concurrency has been released!
- 2014/01/01: Moving from WordPress to Github Pages
- 2012/03/02: Rant - A Purposeful Lack of Understanding
- 2010/09/30: Shamelessness
- 2010/01/10: It's been a while...
- 2009/10/17: The EigenHarp - Holy Friggin' Hell!
- 2009/10/12: Food Inc
- 2009/10/10: BoinxTV appears to have stabilized!
- 2009/08/28: The Blog Goes Mobile
- 2009/08/22: Blogging straight from Vim
- 2009/08/21: Blog moved here...
- 2011/07/15: Functional "map" in C++
- 2009/08/24: It's always touchier than you think...
- 2009/08/23: Working with Vim and C++
2009/08/23: No
indent for C++ with Vim - 2009/08/23: General C++ Settings
- 2009/08/23: C++ Snippets
- 2009/08/20: Formatting Code by Block
- 2012/01/25: Haskell 'sequence' Over Functions - Explained
- 2011/09/02: Monad posting updated
- 2011/09/01: Here's (one of the reasons) why Scala is awesome
- 2011/07/29: Understanding Scala Streams through Fibonacci
- 2011/07/15: Functional "map" in C++
- 2014/01/11: Scala Method Overloading and Default Argument Values
- 2014/01/01: Using Scala Implicits to Implement a Messaging Protocol
- 2013/12/01: Scala Implicits - Not to be Feared
- 2016/12/25: Cleaning up Disk Space on your Mac
- 2014/02/28: Iconifying the Scala Filetype on Mac
- 2009/08/22: MacVim Snapshot 49 Released
- 2010/10/27: Added protodef and fswitch to GitHub
- 2010/10/12: ProtoDef and FSwitch updated (finally)
- 2009/08/23: Protodef 0.9.2 released
- 2013/12/02: Baking Delicious Modularization in Scala
- 2013/12/01: Scala Implicits - Not to be Feared
- 2015/06/23: Cancelling work in flight
- 2015/06/21: Using Actors as Throwaway State
- 2014/11/14: A Sequential Execution Context
- 2014/02/28: Iconifying the Scala Filetype on Mac
- 2014/01/15: Benchmarking Spray Json vs. Argonaut vs. Play Json
- 2014/01/14: Benchmarking Spray Json vs. Argonaut
- 2014/01/11: Scala Method Overloading and Default Argument Values
- 2014/01/01: Using Scala Implicits to Implement a Messaging Protocol
- 2013/12/31: Coding Scala with Vim
- 2013/12/02: Baking Delicious Modularization in Scala
- 2013/12/01: Scala Implicits - Not to be Feared
- 2012/10/18: My Book: Akka Concurrency has been released!
- 2012/03/12: Adding `squared` to Scala Numbers with Implicts and Type Classes
- 2011/09/02: Monad posting updated
- 2011/09/01: Here's (one of the reasons) why Scala is awesome
- 2011/07/29: Understanding Scala Streams through Fibonacci
- 2011/03/10: Scala indent file for Vim
- 2011/03/09: Vim indent file for Scala has been updated
- 2011/02/27: Started some work on Scala
- 2012/09/01: The Most Useful Code I've Written in Weeks
- 2012/03/16: Back to ZSH
- 2012/02/14: I gave up on Zsh
- 2011/08/18: My BASH directory management
- 2014/01/11: Scala Method Overloading and Default Argument Values
- 2013/12/01: Scala Implicits - Not to be Feared
- 2016/12/25: Cleaning up Disk Space on your Mac
- 2012/03/16: Back to ZSH
- 2012/02/14: I gave up on Zsh
- 2011/08/18: My BASH directory management
- 2015/07/27: Getting the value of the character under the cursor
- 2014/02/28: Iconifying the Scala Filetype on Mac
- 2013/12/31: Coding Scala with Vim
- 2011/07/05: My Vim config is on GitHub
- 2011/03/10: Scala indent file for Vim
- 2011/03/09: Vim indent file for Scala has been updated
- 2010/10/27: Added protodef and fswitch to GitHub
- 2010/10/12: ProtoDef and FSwitch updated (finally)
- 2010/10/12: Pathogen, baby!
- 2010/10/05: New Vim Screencasts found at Lococast.Net
- 2010/09/30: Silently Redirecting to the Vim Clipboard
- 2010/09/30: New Video Tutorial - Globals, Command-Line and Functions
- 2010/01/10: It's been a while...
- 2009/11/01: Changing settings / options based on filetype in Vim
- 2009/10/18: Vim Modes Introduction Video is Online
- 2009/10/18: Insert Mode Video now Online
- 2009/10/16: The vimrc File and Vim Runtime Directories Video is Online
- 2009/10/15: My vimrc File
- 2009/10/12: How to use the Vim Help System is Online
- 2009/10/11: Updated the vimrc Stuff
- 2009/10/10: "Welcome to Vim" video is online
- 2009/09/28: Next Vim Video is in the works... technical difficulties
- 2009/08/30: Working with Many Files (Screencast 3) is up
- 2009/08/30: Basic Editing 1 & 2 Updated
- 2009/08/29: Mind Mapped Vim Maps
- 2009/08/29: Deprecated Videos
- 2009/08/27: Working with Many Files (Screencast 2)
- 2009/08/27: Working with Many Files (Screencast 1)
- 2009/08/27: Working with Many Files (Screencast 1) FIXED
- 2009/08/27: Vim PDF Cheat Sheet
- 2009/08/27: Going to the End of a Search Highlight
- 2009/08/25: FuzzyFinder Teaser Functions (for finding Files)
- 2009/08/24: It's always touchier than you think...
- 2009/08/23: Working with Vim and C++
- 2009/08/23: Protodef 0.9.2 released
2009/08/23: No
indent for C++ with Vim - 2009/08/23: General C++ Settings
- 2009/08/23: C++ Snippets
- 2009/08/23: "Better" Settings
- 2009/08/22: Walking Around Your Windows
- 2009/08/22: Versioning your Vim configuration
- 2009/08/22: Toggling and Shortening
- 2009/08/22: MacVim Snapshot 49 Released
- 2009/08/22: Blogging straight from Vim
- 2009/08/21: BASIC Movement (Screencast 3) is online
- 2009/08/20: The vimrc Work has Begun
- 2009/08/20: The vimrc File
- 2009/08/20: The Absolute Bare Minimum
- 2009/08/20: It's officially begun...
- 2009/08/20: Formatting Code by Block